E800 Services

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  • Power of e800 Directory
  1. Anyone can call any listing in the directory from the web free of charge to talk to a friendly person and get what you want.
  2. Merchants can attract valuable customers  and increase sales revenue through the use of e800 directory .
  3. e800 is a global 800 service provided for promoting e-commerce for you and the rest of the world.
  4. Download the ipo2u call software and try our demo and an e-directory.
  5. Register your local phone number as an e800 number. 
  6. List your 800 number in our i800 directory to  extend its reach - freely accessed by costumers anywhere around the world.
  • Existing e800 Directories

- NY Downtown Business Calling Card Directory I -- Shopping and Dining
- NY Downtown Business Calling Card Directory II -- Business and Services

  • Experiment with A Sample IPO2U e-Directory

 (Just Click and call any listing).

  • Three types of e-Directory Services 

    i800: any business and individual can list their 800 number free with i800 directory to extend its access to world wide (without international toll charges). 

    e800: any business or individual can listed their ordinary phone numbers with any e800 directory to enjoy the power of e800 number with low cost (converting any ordinary phone number into effective 800 number). 

    e800 icon: you can place an e800 icon on your WebPages to represent your e800 number for your customers to click and call.

You may send an email  to info@ipo2u.com to request the calling software and to recommend the listing of certain i800 numbers. The email must contain accurate information about personal and company name, address, valid email address for communication, contact phone number and the toll free numbers you desire to be listed in the i800 directory. Or you may click the download and the Listing button on the menu bar above to accomplish the same thing. For interest in establishing an e800 Directory and listing e800 numbers, please send E-mail to info@ipo2u.com to describe your case.

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